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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page article critique that summarizes and analyzes a study on urinary incontinence among nursing home residents in the Southeastern US. No additional sources cited.
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United States. Nursing Research 56(2), 97-107. Purpose of this article : The purpose of this research study was to investigate difference in the incidence of urinary incontinence (UI) as
this pertains to African American and Caucasian residents of nursing homes located in the Southeastern US. The southeast was chosen because both the morbidity and morality rates in this region
for the elderly are disproportionate large, which predisposes individuals toward NH care. Research methods used : Data was obtained from the Centers
of Medicare and Medicaid Services, which is the "most comprehensive clinical tool for assessing UI in nursing homes," as their screening tool for admissions "captures resident factors" (Boyington, et
al, 2007, p. 98). The research team evaluated both admission and post-admission UI incidence rates, determining these according to "region, state, race and gender," using logistic regression, which was adjusted
to also consider "residents demographics, morbidity status, bed mobility, and cognitive and functional status" (Boyington, et al, 2007, p. 97). Summary of
the article : The data included information on 95,9022 residents of 7,640 nursing homes located in 8 states. Data was analyzed according to standard analytical, multivariable procedures. This revealed that
the prevalence of UI was high in this region of the country and particularly high among African Americans in two of the states, which suggests that racial inequities could play
a part in this finding. The researchers assumed that the presence of UI at admission could be taken as a "proxy indicator
of the residents pre-NH health status," and baseline UI prevalence was thus calculated for both African American and Caucasian residents. The results of the study show that the vast majority