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A 4 page paper which examines the motif and pattern of art deco in the architecture of New York City. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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for a few decades yet made a huge impact and is still today a very popular as well as influential style. While Art Deco first made its real appearance in
France in the 1920s it was quickly adopted as a style of choice for many buildings and pieces of artwork in the United States. New York City is one of
the cities in the nation where one can really see the Art Deco influence and history. The following paper examines Art Deco architecture in New York City. Art
Deco: New York City "The period termed art deco manifested itself roughly between the two world wars, or 1920 to 1939...This period of design and style did not just affect
architecture, but all of the fine and applied arts as well. Furniture, sculpture, clothing, jewelry and graphic design were all influenced by the Art Deco style" (, 2008). It is
a style of art that was greatly influenced by some universal and historical shapes and designs seen throughout the world. One "can easily detect in many examples of Art Deco
the influence of Far and Middle Eastern design, Greek and Roman themes, and even Egyptian and Mayan influence" (, 2008). More modern elements in the pattern and motif of this
style included repeated shapes and icons such as an automobile profile or the stylized shape that one would see in a gear or a wheel (, 2008). In essence, while
based on many ancient styles and motifs in many ways, there was also the incorporation of a modern world, a world of steel and of simplistic geographic designs along with
the timeless. One of the most famous, and most obviously Art Deco styled, buildings in New York City is the Chrysler Building. Many photographs of this building can be seen