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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
(5 pp) How shall we live and how shall we live most
efficiently? Is happiness a necessary part of our
lives? And then how does that apply to community
and the governing of community? Early Greece was
divided into what have been labeled 'city states, '
with each being not only separated geographically,
but often in customs and attitudes as well. How
they chose to govern themselves, with and without
Aristotle's influence will be discussed.
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the governing of community? Early Greece was divided into what have been labeled "city states, " with each being not only separated geographically, but often in customs and attitudes
as well. And it would seem that when the mood was upon them they would war with each other, as though men and war shared a given commonality. Today
we might say that if a dog doesnt bark every so often it will explode; perhaps then it was if the Greek was not in adventure mode or warfare, a
part of him would explode as well. Aristotle In Aristotles Politics Book 2 - Part l he tells us why we should look at various forms of government: "to
consider what form of political community is best of all for those who are most able to realize their ideal of life. We must therefore examine not only this but
other constitutions, both such as actually exist in well-governed states, and any theoretical forms which are held in esteem; that what is good and useful may be brought to light."
From a small work, the Polity of the Athenians, we might call it a pamphlet or a tract today, we find that Aristotle "does not regard politics as a separate
science from ethics, but as the completion, and almost a verification of it. The moral ideal in political administration is only a different aspect of that which also applies to
individual happiness. Humans are by nature social beings, and the possession of rational speech (logos) in itself leads us to social union." The Athenian Constitution (350 bce) Solon the
Moderator of the Anthenian Constitution begins his task with great sorrow. The city has been dominated by tyrants and few rule the many. Solon recounts the history and