Sample Essay on:
Applying Nightingale's Theoretical Perspective

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper that describes and discusses application of Florence Nightingale's theoretical nursing perspective to a case scenario. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

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to be regarded as nursings meta-paradigms can be discerned from her extensive writing. In regards to "nursing," Nightingale differentiated nursing from medical practice, as she stated that nursing consists of actions that promote health, indicating that the goal of nursing is to situate the patient within the best possible environment that allows nature to act and heal ("Theory," 2012). In regards to "person," Nightingale indicated that she recognized that individuals are multidimensional, comprised of psychological, social and spiritual dimensions, as well as their biological factors ("Theory," 2012). Nightingale differentiated "health" from "Disease," which she defined as the "absence of comfort," indicating that the goal of nursing was more than simply restoring health, but rather to aid patients in utilizing fully the powers at their disposal ("Theory," 2012). In particular, Nightingales theoretical orientation prioritized the importance of "environment," as she stressed that the environment must be altered in order to improve the conditions that facilitate natural laws that promote healing ("Theory," 2012). This orientation derives from Nightingales experience during the Crimean War, as when she arrived at the military hospital in Scutari, condition were horrible and sanitary conditions were nonexistent (Garofalo and Fee, 2010). Due to the efforts of her nurses and the supplies purchased personally by Nightingale, the death rate at the hospital soon declined by two-thirds (Garofalo and Fee, 2010). This emphasis is immediately evident in Nightingales Notes on Nursing, in which she states that the suffering that is considered to be inevitable are frequently not due to the symptoms of the disease, but rather this suffering derives from the "want of fresh air, or of light, or of warmth, or of quiet, or of cleanliness, or of punctuality and care in the administration of diet..." (Nightingale, 2012). When Ms. Jones meets with her case manager and ...

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