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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page research paper that offers a student a guide to formulating a research study on anxiety in elderly, non=English speaking patients. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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of Hispanics report that know little, if any, English (NINR, 2008). The National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) offers a guideline that was formulated in regards to the management of
cancer pain in adults and children, which says that practitioners should use "appropriate strategies to assess pain in special patient populations, including the...very old...and non-English speaking persons" (NGC, 2008). As
anxiety can be construed to be a form of psychic pain, this guideline is applicable to the proposed study. There are over 46 million Americans for whom English is
not their native language and roughly 21 million of these people self-report that they speak English poorly to not at all (Karliner, Perez-Stable and Gildengorin, 2004). This creates a language
barrier that can negatively impacts care. To address the health inequalities associated with this barrier, federal law requires that interpreter services should be provided for NES patients; however, this requirement
also allows health practitioners to utilize family members as interpreters, which means that successful communication with the patient will depend on the family members English proficiency. Downey and Zun
(2007) addressed this problem in their study, which evaluated the efficacy and utility of the BEST (Basic English Skills Test) oral interview, which is a verbal test designed to determine
language competency. The results of this study confirmed that the BEST oral interview can be used successfully within the context of an Emergency Department to determine the competency of a
friend or relative to translate for a non-English speaker or whether a professional translators service are required (Downey and Zun, 2007). The "interplay of language access laws and policies," along
with the cultural competency of practitioners, should be utilized to create a system in which a high quality of care is available to all, regardless of language (Youdelman, 2008, p.