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Analyzing a Health Promotion Pamphlet

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A 3 page research paper that analyzes a health promotion pamphlet issued by the State of Florida on preventing lead poisoning in children. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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pamphlets that are designed to warn parents about the dangers of lead poisoning and to promote prevention strategies against lead poisoning (Endres, Montgomery and Welch 20). For example, the Florida Department of Health (FDH) issues a pamphlet entitled "Keeping your children safe from lead poisoning, a handbook for parents." The following examination of this pamphlet evaluates it in terms of its design appeal and appropriateness of reading level in regards to its intended audience: its content, quality and clarity of examples; usefulness; and cultural sensitivity. Design and reading level: The Florida pamphlet uses bright colors that are eye-catching and features appealing pictures of toddlers and young children. It consists of 2 pages of text: one page devoted to facts about lead poisoning and the other offers prevention guidelines. The fact page offers subheadings that are stated in question format, with brief answers under each one. Collectively, this information defines the topic and explains why parents should be concerned, as well as answering the most frequently asked questions. The format is easy to read and comprehend. The reading level is geared towards comprehension by a general audience. There is no use of medical jargon. The text is largely composed of simple declarative sentences that use a basic vocabulary. Research shows that one of the most frequent mistakes that agencies made in designing health promotion pamphlets is to write them at a reading level that exceeds the education level of the intended audience (Endres, Montgomery and Welch 20). This does not appear to be the case in regards to this FDH pamphlet. Content, quality and clarity of examples: The quality of the pamphlets content is quite good. The "facts" page defines the term "lead poisoning" and explains how this occurs, which is primarily from homes built prior to ...

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