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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper describes three advertisements found in a recent issue of Money and analyzes them in terms of the message they wanted to send and how they did that. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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The advertisements are very different in most aspects of the presentation, from color, to pictures to text. The first principle of critical thinking in terms of analyzing advertising is
to gather all the information (Wright State University, n.d.). To do so, the reader must contact each of these companies and request a prospectus for the fund. Contact information for
obtaining this information is clearly presented in the advertisement. Addresses, phone numbers and Web site addresses are provided. Another principle is to look for the hidden messages (Wright State
University, n.d.; Center for Media Literacy, 2003). Hidden messages are found in the ambience of the ad, in the mood it creates, in the design, the background, the pictures and
so forth (Center for Media Literacy, 2003). In other words, everything about the ad creates a mood or ambience and is intended to send a message to the reader. In
left upper corner of the Legg Mason Funds ad is a giraffe, its head way above the trees pictured against a blue sky. It takes about one-fourth the width of
the page with a very simply purple box taking the rest of that space. The image immediately conveys something that is above the rest. The reader is immediately taken
by the giraffes long neck stretching higher than even the highest trees. The purple box is highlighted with a yellow line and yellow bold text that tells the reader: A
mutual fund with a unique perspective." A little below that statement is a horizontal thin yellow line with the companys name under that. Another yellow box overlaps the purpose box
and the white on the page - it simply says "Call us today at......for your free information kit." Now, we have the company offering something free. The fact these kits