Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Analysis of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” Lines 550-639. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
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A 5 page paper which examines the passage in which Sir Gawain dresses for mass and to make his way to the Green Chapel and his contest with the Green Knight, considering the symbolic significance of his attire, along with the five-pointed star of truth, as devised by Solomon. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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they werent offering assistance to fair maidens in distress. They were noble gentlemen who lived by a strict chivalric code of truth, from which they could not deviate and
still consider themselves as representatives of their God and their king. This is the context within which one of Middle Englands most famous poems, "Sir Gawain and the Green
Knight," was written by an anonymous author. King Arthurs nephew, Sir Gawain, is presented as the perfect knight, modest, courageous, and an incorruptible moral character. The epic poem
chronicles Gawains physical and spiritual journey, in which he learns for himself the meaning of heroism. Gawain demonstrates his bravery by engaging in a Christmas "Beheading Game" contest with
a mysterious visitor to Camelot, known only as the Green Knight. Whoever strikes the first blow must submit to an identical blow from his opponent exactly one year later.
Gawain succeeds in beheading the knight with one swing of his sword, but the headless body merely walks over, picks up his head, and retreats to await his revenge
on Sir Gawain. Nevertheless, Gawain embarks on his journey to the Green Chapel, where the rematch will take place, knowing that he could not possibly survive such a blow.
Lines 550-639 of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" concern Gawains preparation for mass that is being held prior to his arrival at the Green Chapel. He is
warmly greeted by members of King Arthurs court, whose orderly assembly is based upon the significance of their respective titles, "Then the first and foremost came forth in throng: /
Yvain and Eric and others of note, / Sir Dodinal le Sauvage, the Duke of Clarence, / Lionel and Lancelot and Lucan the good, / Sir Bors and Sir Bedivere,