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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 10 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student looking at the changes that occurred in this Western Australian ice cream manufacturer between 1985 and 1995, the paper analyses the changes and explained with reference to relevant theories. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
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10 pages (~225 words per page)
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new markets and has managed to archive a situation where 25% of the sales are exports. Looking at the events and processes can be considered with reference to the underlying
theories that they reflect which help to explain the drivers and the successes that the company realized over this period. When looking
at models of change there is a general agreement that tere needs to be a driver for change to occur. Lewin describes way in which change materialises as the effect
of driving and restraining forces (Lewin, 1951). The position of an organisation, in this model, is always under some form of pressure to change. The ways in which any changes
emerge are as a result of these restraining and driving pressures (Lewin, 1951). Driving forces can be external to the organisation, for example changes in legislation, environment changes or the
industry structure, they may also be internal such as staffing matters or micro economic factors. Driving factors are highly likely to be financial in origin, such as the need to
improve profits or cut costs. Driving forces will be concerned with improving the organisation. In this case there were a number of driving forces present, one of the main
forces was the change of ownership and the movement of Graham Laitt, this helped t influence attitudes in the firm, there had been some movement towards innovations as there had
been a research and development department set up in 1982. However, there had not been the development of a culture of innovation.
There were other drivers that were present in the decision to change the firm and the way it operated, not only exporting, but updating machinery and equipment embracing technology and