Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Analysis of John Updike’s “A & P”: Sammy’s Transition from Adolescence into Adulthood
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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This is a 4 page paper discussing Updike’s short story “A & P” and Sammy’s transition from adolescence into adulthood. John Updike’s short story “A & P” (1962) tells the story of a teenage boy named “Sammy” who works as an A & P checkout clerk. Throughout the story, readers experience Sammy’s slow transition and realization of his own adolescence into the world of adulthood where he takes responsibility of his own actions. He reacts to situations from an adolescent perspective at the beginning of the story but then his character develops as he is able to see his own situation from the outside which also allows him to look at those around him in a similar light. At the end of the story he makes a heroic gesture in what looks like an attempt to impress three girls who have come into the store. However, even after the girls’ departure, he maintains his stand and steps away from his adolescent life into one of adulthood.
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works as an A & P checkout clerk. Throughout the story, readers experience Sammys slow transition and realization of his own adolescence into the world of adulthood where he takes
responsibility of his own actions. He reacts to situations from an adolescent perspective at the beginning of the story but then his character develops as he is able to see
his own situation from the outside which also allows him to look at those around him in a similar light. At the end of the story he makes a heroic
gesture in what looks like an attempt to impress three girls who have come into the store. However, even after the girls departure, he maintains his stand and steps away
from his adolescent life into one of adulthood. Sammy tells his story to the reader in first person so that the reader can
understand his development from adolescent malaise as he steps gallantly into adulthood. The story begins as he notices three girls "in nothing but their bathing suits" as they walk into
the store. Upon noticing the details of the girls, he cant remember if his has rung in the "box of HiHo crackers" and as he rings it up again "the
customer starts giving him hell" (Updike). The initial impression of Sammy is one of adolescence as the presence of the girls in their bathing suits completely disarms him and he
cannot concentrate on his job. Sammy quickly identified which of the three girls is the "queen" who "kind of led then, the other two peeking around and making their shoulders
round. She didnt look around, not this queen, she just walked straight on slowly, on these long white prima donna legs ... [and put] ... a little deliberate extra action