Sample Essay on:
Analysis/Quantitative Research Report/ICDs

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 10 page article critique that examines a study by Jolly, Dorian and Alter (2006), entitled “The impact of implantable cardiac defibrillators for primary prophylaxis in the community: baseline risk and clinically meaningful benefits.” The writer summarizes and discusses each section of the report, referring to other sources where appropriate. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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10 pages (~225 words per page)

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prophylaxis in the community: baseline risk and clinically meaningful benefits." Problem Recent research has indicated that implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICDs) significantly increases the chances of survival for patients at risk for sudden cardiac death (SCD) due to left ventricular (LV) cardiac dysfunction. However, there are several questions pertaining to the use of ICDs as a primary prevention that remain to be explored by research, such as the economic consequences of ICD as a primary prophylaxis (Jolly, Dorian and Alter, 2006). This is a significant problem for nurses in that it is a primary consideration of nursing to be able to discuss interventions with clients as they consider their options for treatment. In determining the feasibility of ICD implantation for LV patients, Jolly, Dorian and Alter, point out that economic feasibility is largely dependent on the baseline risk for SCD. Therefore, these researchers designed a study in order to determine baseline risk for SCD, which were derived from a "community sample of primary prevention patients with LV dysfunction from within the general population (Jolly, Dorian and Alter, 2006, p. 191). The legitimacy of the problem being investigated by Jolly, Dorian and Alter (2006) is substantiated by the meta-analysis performed by Lynd and OBrien (2003), which investigated the studies available on current medical databases in order to determine the economic feasibility of ICD therapy. The conclusion drawn from this meta-analysis is that ICD therapy continues to evolve, changing its methods of implantation and improving its technology and that evidence supports the use of ICDs as a "cost-effective option" patients at risk for SCD from LV (Lynd and OBrien, 2003). However, the cost-effectiveness of ICD therapy depends on ...

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