Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on An Industry Report; Outbound Tourism from the UK. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 14 page paper examined the tourism industry in the UK, looking at the outbound tourist, The paper starts by examining the trends and growth in this sector, and then considers some of the influences that have helped increase growth,. The paper then looks at the main companies and considers the level of profitability and performance seen between 1998 – 2002 for the major players and looks at what the future may hold, including projections for increased demand. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
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not new. However, a more recent development has been mass tourism, which has been facilitated by the development of new technology, meaning both aircraft and communications technology, and the increases
seen in living standards with higher levels of disposable income. In the UK there has been the regular taking of holidays, the majority of which have been with local
travel, staying in the same country. However, it is following the Second World War that the outbound tourism has increased. One key factor has been the relative decrease in cost,
with the price of a foreign trip falling closer and closer to the cost of a UK holiday. This, and the proliferation
of knowledge regarding the benefits of travel influencing fashion, have impacted on the popularity. By studying the past and the current trends a good picture of the industry may
be put together in order to assess the future of the industry in the future in order to assess if this is a good area for future investment.
2. Background Trends and Statistics By looking at the background in terms of the patterns and reason for travel there are some very definite trends. These can then be examined in
the following section in order to identify the reasons for those trends. Outbound tourism has seen a gradual increase since the of the end of the Second World
War, it may also be argued that this was also occurring prior to that date with the development of aircraft that could carry higher numbers of passengers. However, the numbers
of outbound tourists were limited. The main changes are consistant, as such we will concentrate on the last fifteen years. In looking