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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper reviews the pros and cons of the death penalty. The argument is presented that an eye for an eye approach is what we need to solve today’s violent crime problem. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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eye for an eye" could very well be the solution to todays growing crime problem. Many would contend, in fact, that the more serious a crime the more serious
the consequences that should be imposed. Others, of course, vehemently disagree with such contentions. Their disagreements follow the line of reasoning of notable men from history who advocated
non-violence in all of mankinds actions. Ghandi, for example, suggested that the eye for an eye approach to dealing with crime would leave the world blind. If we
extended that suggestion to the death penalty, the most controversial of all punishments, however, we can come to the conclusion that even such notable philosophers as Ghandi can be wrong.
Indeed, the thesis can be presented that a strict adherence to the death penalty is the solution to our growing crime rate. The more serious the crime, the
more serious should be the punishment. Murderers and other extremely violent criminals should be unceremoniously murdered themselves. This would obviously serve as a deterrent for those who might
otherwise be tempted to commit these types of atrocious crimes. The most common objection to the death penalty is that it
is inhumane for one human being to kill another. That, however, is precisely the point that a strict adherence to the death penalty would bring home to potential criminals.
If those that might be tempted to kill knew that if they were caught they would undoubtedly die themselves they would likely refrain from the commission of such wrongs.
In addition to the inhumane argument, many object to the death penalty because they view it as a cruel and unusual punishment (Schwartz, 2007). There is, however, an