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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses issues associated with having to continue the administration of futile treatment. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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well as legal codes, maintain the right of the patient and/or the patients family, to autonomy in making treatment decisions, but, on the other hand, the healthcare system is faced
with systemic problems, such as work force shortages and astronomical costs. This dilemma brings up the question of how to approach patient care that involves the issues entailed with futile
treatment. For example, at the ICU where I work, a young 21-year-old Indian male had failed VP shunts, was experiencing seizures and had development multiple nosocomial infections, many of
which were resistant to antibiotics. When his liver became compromised, his kidneys failed, so he required bedside dialysis. Totally unresponsive, he also required ventilator support. Despite his grim prognosis, his
family required that everything should be done for him that could be done. Despite repeated meeting, they refused to authorize DNR (do not resuscitate) orders. He lingered for four months
and coded 3 times. He had no health insurance, so it is likely that the hospital will bear the full financial burden for his care, which is in the
hundreds of thousands. His presence in the ICU delayed admissions for other patients, which suggests the negative impact that providing futile care had on the unit. In all likelihood,
the incidence of cases such as this will be increasing in the coming years, which will definitely affect healthcare practitioners in the near future to a serious degree. Various ways
of coping with this problems have been proposed. For example, in his review of a book by Philip M. Kleepsie, Jack Schoenholtz proposes that psychologists, who are skilled in "conflict
management," should become "important members" of the consultation teams that try to persuade the families of terminally patients to issue DNR orders (Schoenholtz 1934). The addition of psychologists who are