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This 5 page paper is a dicussion of Douglass' speech, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July". This paper analyzes and discusses this important speech which was a tribute to black Americans who were not afforded the same basic rights as white Americans. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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he realized the huge injustices which people of his race faced on a continual basis, and the harsh realities of their lives which exposed their intolerable oppression. This was
the inspiration for Douglas, the result of which was his famous speech about his ideas of freedom in America and his vision for the future. Frederick Douglas Assessment
of America The speech given by Douglas was especially poignant given that he was once a slave himself, and the topic of
his speech was about the issue of slavery in America. Clearly, this gave Douglas a particular authority over the matter, as opposed to one who has an opinion about
something which he has never personally experienced. One cannot ignore the personal history of Douglas in this speech, as it offers wisdom, insight and empathy to his words.
And, not to be regarded lightly, is the certain knowledge of a succession of hardships which must have been overcome in order for Douglas to have the opportunity to give
that speech in the first place. Douglas started this speech with great modesty, highlighting to his audience the overwhelming nature of the
task before him. He maintained that any apparent ease he displayed was merely an illusion. Because of this opening, I believe that Douglas reveals himself to be an
authentic individual, and clearly these first words allow his audience to relate to him as an individual. This isnt just a man espousing a particular slant or creed, but
instead is a real person haunted by his own past who is out to try and prevent injustice in the world, and certainly his aims are credible.