Sample Essay on:
An Analysis of the Ethics of Donald Rumsfeld

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 6 page paper uses the book called Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet to evaluate the life and works of Donald Rumsfeld. His role as Secretary of Defense is concerned along with his work in the private sector. No additional sources cited.

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6 pages (~225 words per page)

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society where there is a lot of cheating going on is difficult. How does one engage in whatever their occupation is and maintain their integrity? It is difficult and Gardner approaches ethical problems in business. Although on the surface, one could say that if one is above board, and does not lie or cheat, then they can still make it in the business world. Although that might be true, Gardner brings up a host of problems that can surface as one goes through life. For example, there are many Catholic politicians who know that their religion forbids abortion, and is against capital punishment, but some put aside religious beliefs while engaging in public life. How can that be? If someone has certain principles, how can they throw that away for the sake of work? It would seem that the principles would be put higher than what ones vocation requisites, and Gardner addresses this point as well as others. Gardner et al. (2001) delves into territory that many other authors have avoided, and not only that, he focuses on controversial professions, such as geneticists and other scientists who also may have to put aside their spiritual beliefs for sciences sake. Why are these occupations so controversial? Genetics is an important topic right now as test tube babies defy human nature and allow scientists to essentially created human life. The stem cell debate is quite heated as while scientists can save many lives with their research, they must destroy what is construed as human life in the process. How do people deal with these dilemmas? The authors provide several examples. One is of Ray Suarez, a broadcast journalist who found himself in a quandary; although he did not believe what he was doing was right, he needed the money and continued ...

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