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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 8 page paper gives a good over view of the container shipping industry looking at the trends and patterns that have been seen regarding demands for the services, types of vessel used, structure of the industry, influences on the ports and expectations for the future. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
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of the ports and the services offered. The trends and patterns seen today may be seen as ongoing following the existing patterns laid down. It is estimated that
container ships account for roughly 30% of all the cargo carried by sea when assessed in terms of volume (MOMAF, 2008). The amount of cargo carried by container ships
has increased over the last decade, in 2000 the total cargo volume was 301.4 million TEUs this increased to 392.1 million TEUs in 2008 (MOMAF, 2008).
It is notable that the level of container shipping in China has been increasing reflecting the economic development in the area and the falling
of many trade barriers. It was in 2000 that the country joined the world trade organization. In 2000 there was a capacity in China of 37.9 million TEUs, this increased
to 51.4 million TEUs in 2004 and to 66.5 million TEUs in 2008 (MOMAF, 2008). This shows a faster rate of growth in capacity than in other areas and
reflects the growth in trade and exports from China and its increased participation in world trade (Thompson, 2007). A problem with the container
shipping industry is that despite an increased demand overt the last few years the capacity in the industry is still greater than the demand. In 2008 there was an estimated
increase in demand of 5% and in 2007 the increase in demand was 9%. However, there was an increase in capacity in both of these years of 15% (Maersk, 2008).
This is resulting in many unused ships; during the second half of 2008 there was a pattern of vessels being taken out of