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This 4 page paper discusses Sebastian de Grazia's "Machiavelli in Hell". This paper presents a summary of the book as well as a discussion of significant subject matter. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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remembered for his evil character. Machiavelli believed that the interest of the state should be served above all else, and to Machiavellis way of thinking, people were disposable if
necessary. However, what is interesting and different about this particular book is that the author suggests to readers that perhaps Machiavelli wasnt the evil nightmare that he is remembered
to be, and that he actually offered many political contributions which are necessarily divorced from morality as we have tended to believe.
This book reveals the character of Machiavelli by showing who he was through his own works. This author presents various quotes and segments of Machiavellis writings in order
that we may judge him based upon his own words. Machiavelli is best known for his work called The Prince, which basically examined the idea of political necessity and
morality, and the relationship between these two entities. Grazias book explores these writings and also seeks to uncover the thoughts of Machiavelli himself in regards to these outlooks.
The book is organized in such a fashion that each chapter examines another of Machiavellis characteristics, thereby giving a careful and thorough review of the subject.
This is actually a very interesting perspective and one which definitely lends an air of authenticity to the arguments of the author - after
all, who can deny a position when it was Machiavelli himself who uttered the words espousing such a position? This was a very important tactic by the author.
This is very important because most of us know and understand Machiavelli through the interpretations of others - scholars and academics