Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on American Romaticism and Artists Thomas Cole, Edward Hicks, and Horace Pippin:. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
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This 6 page paper dicusses these artists and their contributions to the American romanticism movement. This paper further gives examples of each artists work and describes why those works are examples of American romanticism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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remote locations and much more. The basic idea is that artists from this movement tended to produce work which idealized some aspect of their world. American Romanticism is
clearly evident in the works of Thomas Cole, Edward Hicks, and Horace Pippin. Thomas Cole Thomas Cole was very intrigued
with the White Mountains, after having made his first visit there in 1827 (Thomas Cole). Therefore, many of his works dealt with that subject (Thomas Cole). Many of
his paintings are of the White Mountains, such as Flume in the White Mountains; View of Mount Washington; Mount Chocorua; Notch in the White Mountains; View Near Conway; and Mount
Washington from the Upper Saco Intervale (Thomas Cole). Thomas Cole came to the United States from England with his family in 1826 (Thomas Cole). He had worked
as a wood engraver in England but after arriving in the U.S. her spent much of his time for the remainder of his life in the Catskills, Maine coast, and
White Mountains doing sketches (Thomas Cole). Coles paintings of the White Mountains as well as the other locations he visited can clearly be described as American Romanticism
(Thomas Cole). In these works there is undeniable evidence of the pristine nature of his subjects (Thomas Cole). Cole renders his subjects as untouched by mankind and depicts
the scenes as a celebration of the beauty of nature (Thomas Cole). In truth, Cole "felt it his duty to depict nature, especially American nature, as the "visible hand
of God" (Thomas Cole). Edward Hicks Edward Hicks is perhaps most well-known for his paintings in a collection called Peaceable