Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on American Independence and the Continual Quest for Justice and Liberty. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
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This 5 page paper presents the contention that despite the fact that our founding fathers were not gods, their vision of America is continually unfolding even today. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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fathers were just mortals, not gods, they recognized the pressing human desire for justice and liberty and they were willing to go to extraordinary lengths to address that desire.
The American Revolution was the result. The Revolution was anything but a brief flash in the pan of history, however. Indeed, it might be contended that the American Revolution
is still underway. While in one sense the Revolution was a unique product of the eighteenth century, in another sense the ideas and aspirations that characterized it are still
very much a part of our society. They will continue to be a part of our society, in fact, as long as we diligently seek justice and liberty. The
American Revolution marked a change that would affect the world as a whole. The nation that would ultimately take her place as the worlds greatest superpower demanded her independence
from Great Britain and she ultimately achieved that independence. While it might be argued that what actually transpired was more of a political revolution than a social one, it
remains true that Americans valued freedom and justice to a degree that somewhat mooted that seen in other countries. Immediately after the Revolution, of course, the focus became
the design and implementation of a new form of government1. The fledgling states had a large role to undertake. The complexities of the previous colonial administration had been quite
elaborate and the states were left in a position of having to administer those aspects of government of the new colonies2. Not only were they left to fulfill the
role that had once been played by colonial powers, they also were left with the responsibilities of the revolutionary committees of correspondence and public safety, were expected to do the