Sample Essay on:
America During the Late 1940s and 1950s

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 2.5 page creative essay which considers what could be seen through America’s “picture window” during this time and whether or not there were any flaws in this picture. No sources are used.

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2 pages (~225 words per page)

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happy family portrait of a wife and mother cooking in the kitchen or doing housework and of a father either doing yard work or playing catch with his children. After the men returned home from World War II, life returned to normalcy with a vengeance. Family values were as important as going to church on Sunday and with the postwar baby boom, most households were well on their way toward achieving the goal of 2.3 children. Even the economy was strongly rebounding, and the market was nevermore ripe for consumer picking as were the late 1940s and 1950s. Neighborhood shop windows attractively displayed the latest in must-have appliances, fashions, and toys. There was also a big new entertainment box known, the TV, which was replacing the old reliable radio. Performers like Lucy and Uncle Miltie became welcome additions to the American family portrait. Adults and teenagers alike were driving around in sleek and shiny new automobiles like the 57 Chevy and Plymouth Sports Fury were burning rubber, while the music of Bill Haley and the Comets and Elvis Presley introduced rock-n-roll to the American consciousness. Life, it would seem, couldnt get any better. But upon closer examination, flaws barely perceptible by the naked eye could be seen which suggests that looks really are deceiving. After a brief and hardly successful American military campaign in the Korean War, another kind of war, one of ideology and not weapons, was being fought between the Soviet Communists and the American Capitalists. It was a battle of cultures, of words, and of intimidation which flourished in the climate of the times. Politicians like Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy asserted there could be a Red under every bed and as an invisible paranoia gripped the ...

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