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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 7 page paper assesses the performance of the Altria Group Inc, well known as owner of Philip Morris, makers of the Marlboro cigarettes and majority owner of Kraft Foods. The paper looks at production and cycles performance ratios and suggests some improvements. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
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and returns it is creating. By uses this approach we can consider the performance of a company such as the Altria Group Inc. parent company to Philip Morris, manufacture of
Marlborough cigarettes and majority shareholder in Kraft Foods. In this paper all figure, apart form earnings per share, are all quoted in millions unless otherwise specified.
Looking at the throughout and cycle times we can look at the inventory figures. Stock management is a key function of management, levels need to
be sufficient for business levels, too much can indicate inefficiency as well as ineffective use of capital. The stock turnover may be calculated in two ways, either as the
sales divided by the stock. Alternatively, it may be measured as the cost of sales divided by the average stock. This is a simple calculation, and for the Altria Group
Inc. Stock turnover is the number of times the stock will be turn over in a year. This is shown below 2000 2001 2002 Sales (a) 80,356 89,924
80,408 Stock (b) 8,765 8,923 9,127 Turnover (a/b) 9 10 9 The average time of the stock being held can be calculated by taking the stock divided by the sales
and then multiplying this by 365. Changes in this may need to be investigated, for example there may be more efficiently methods or there could be obsolete stock. For Altrica
these are the results. These are examples and the formulas given may be used to produce similar tables b the student for the remaining calculations. 2000 2001 2002
Stock (a) 8,765 8,923 9,127 Revenue (b) 80,356 89,924 80,408 Days (c) 365 365 365 Stock a/b x c 40 36 41 We can also look at throughput in