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A 5 page paper which presents a biography of Alice Munro.
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a brilliant short-story writer goes far beyond the borders of her native Canada. Her accessible, moving stories offer immediate pleasures while simultaneously exploring human complexities in what appear to be
effortless anecdotal re-creations of everyday life" (Anonymous Alice Munro: Biography (b. 1931), 2002; munro.htm). In the following paper we present a biography of the author. Alice Munro Alice
Munro "was born Alice Laidlaw in 1931, in the town of Wingham, the eldest daughter of a man who struggled during the Depression as a fox farmer and turkey raiser.
Her mother, formerly a school teacher, was afflicted with genteel aspirations, always frustrated" (Fraser, 2001; wls-fraser.shtml). Interestingly enough, her work is often compared to Chekhov, whose childhood surroundings were not
dissimilar to those of Munro. "Munro was raised in close proximity to the kind of sordid poverty she is so adept at describing. Life was fairly dangerous, she has said
about this period of her life" (Fraser, 2001; wls-fraser.shtml). In regards to this time in her life, Munro states, "We lived outside the whole social structure because we didnt
live in the town and we didnt live in the country. We lived in this kind of little ghetto where all the bootleggers and prostitutes and hangers-on lived" (Fraser, 2001;
wls-fraser.shtml). She claims that these were the people she knew, not common workers, or wealthy individuals, but the people of the streets so to speak. "It was a community of
outcasts. I had that feeling about myself" (Fraser, 2001; wls-fraser.shtml). At a relatively early age she knew she wanted to be a writer. She began writing adventure stories at the
age of 12, which was also "the same year her mother developed Parkinsons disease. Munro has written about those years, her parents disappointments and her mothers illness in such powerful