Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Alcohol Beverage Segments and Fosters in Australia. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 16 page paper examines the way in which the alcoholic drink market could be segmented. These segments are then applied to the well known Australian company Fosters, identifying which of the segments are most important and why, looking at the characteristics and behaviour of the segments. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
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16 pages (~225 words per page)
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way that the market may be divided into different segments, which segments are most important for Fosters and why along with the characteristics of those segments and how these segments
can be used to develop targeted marketing. The first stage is to define the market. Alcoholic beverages are drinks that have alcoholic as the active content. Alcohol is defined
as a colourless liquid with a "series of volatile hydroxyl compounds that are made from hydrocarbons by distillation" (, 2006). There are various sources of alcohol; however, it is mainly
fermentation alcohol that is used for commercial alcoholic beverages. Fermentation may take place with the use of grains, molasses, yeast, starch or sugar. Where this is used to create
an intoxicating liquid which is designed for human consumption that has alcohol as the active ingredient this is classified as an alcoholic beverage. By considering the alcoholic beverages market in
Australia this also places a geographical limitation on the market, considering all alcoholic beverages that are sold in the Australia and its territories, including Tasmania. This includes both domestic products
and products that are imported and sold in the country, but of imports are carried though the country on the way to a third country destination these are not counted,
just as domestic products goods that are exported to other markets are not included. 2. Segments There are several ways in which the market could be segmented. Segmenting is
the division of the consumer base, or potential consumer base into categories where there are similar characteristics. Some segments may be overlapping and few, if any, are likely to be
mutually exclusive. The first way of segmenting the market can be in the way the alcohol is bought this also reflects the way it may be drunk. Different purchasing