Sample Essay on:
Alcohol Abuse

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

Dealing with alcohol use and abuse is one of the health issues included in the Healthy People 2020 initiate. This 7 page paper looks at the scope and scale of the problem, the direct health impact and the way it impacts on families with specific attention to children from families where a parent is an alcohol abuser. The paper then looks at issues and approaches concerned with the treatment of alcohol abusers from a nursing perspective. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

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7 pages (~225 words per page)

File: TS65_TEalfamtreat.doc

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million Americans had some type of abuse problem with either drugs or alcohol (Healthy People, 2012). The abuse of alcohol is an important subject of health policy as a result of the high incidence and the impact it has directly on the abusers as well as the families of the alcohol abusers, placing the members of the families at risk. It has been assessed that approximately 15 million Americans have alcohol related problems; worryingly 500,000 of these Americans are between the ages of 9 and 12 years (Anonymous, 2012). The mortality associated with the problem is also high; the CDC reports that when looking at direct mortality there were 15,183 deaths in 2010 due to liver disease caused by alcohol abuse (CDC, 2012). The link between alcohol use and violent or accidental deaths is high. In 2010 there were 24,518 homicides related to alcohol and it is estimated that alcohol is a factor in 50% of all driving fatalities and 47% of industrial injuries and 40% of industrial deaths are alcohol related (Anonymous, 2012). When looking at the potential risks these can be considered in context of the individual abusing alcohol as well as the risks posed to their family. Alcohol poses a direct risk as a result of the physical impact it has on the body. The use of alcohol is often seen as a social tool, with many individuals consuming alcohol because they like the effect it has. In short term alcohol can create a feeling of warmth as it behaves as a vasodilator, but this causes the body to loose heat and is a false feeling (Boggan, 2003). This sees short term risks not only due to the impact on the brain with perception and judgment but also due to the levels ...

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