Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Advantages and Disadvantages of in Hospital and in Home Treatment for Acute Conditions. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper compares the treatment of acute patients in the hospital environment and the home environment. Included in the paper are issues such as quality of care, patient preference, cost, effectiveness of treatment as well as issues such as the delivery method and legal duties. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
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3 pages (~225 words per page)
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hospital, may be more cost effective, as staff are on hand and there is supervision of the patient twenty four hours a day, especially where there is little or no
help at home. Conversely, inpatient care is known to be more expensive, acute care may also take up beds that could be used for more urgent cases, and patients will
often recover when they are less stressed whist for some this may mean in patient care, many others are happier at home and as such less stressed. Looking at the
research that has been undertaken nationally can result in the ability to apply the findings to a single country where there is consideration of the in hospital treatment and the
hospital in the home treatment (out patient). There have been many surveys that indicate patients will prefer to be treated in the home. In a survey undertaken with
AIDs patients by Wilson (et al, 2002), there was a clear indication of higher patient satisfaction and also fewer problems in the case. In this study there was a large
sample, 1,074 inpatients, 2,204 outpatients and 818 who were able to provide both inpatient and outpatient evaluations. In this study the mean level of problems for inpatients was 20.9% compared
to only 8.4% for outpatients (Wilson et al, 2002). When asked to rate the service in a provided scale of factors the outpatient treatment also scored higher satisfaction with an
average score of 75.0, compared to 65.3 (Wilson et al, 2002). This indicates the way that patients prefer care and happier patients are more likely to respond well to
treatment. In terms of cost there is little argument that inpatient care is the most expensive option., In a study looking at recovering stroke victims in the Netherlands it