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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
Adultery – Alive and Kicking: This 10-page report explores the reasons why adultery is such a prevalent theme in literary works of the 19th century. Citing the social mores of both the Victorian Era and the Age of Romanticism, it is understandable then how infidelity could be justified. However, since it obviously remains such a hot topic in today’s society – what excuses can be engendered for modern times? Bibliography lists 11 sources. SNAdult1.doc
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a seat in order to hear about a friends marriage thats circling the toilet bowl - especially if it were due to the illicit philandering of his spouse? Many
of us would even call in sick to work the next day, in the event that we had to stay up all night in order to hear all the juicy
details. We would like to think that it is just because we care - these people are our friends - their lives matter to us. However, apparently it
doesnt even have to be a friends marriage that is on the rocks. One only has to look at the sales (noted in the gazillions) of copies that People Magazine
sold when Tom Cruise and wife, Nicole decided to part company. Unquestionably, those millions of people could not have personally known this celebrity couple. So, what was the
draw? Add to this the popularity of movies like Fatal Attraction, and we are again reminded that to many, the fruit of the forbidden tree is still quite succulent
and enticing. Box office records seem to support the conclusion that if one is not brave enough to partake of the fruit, then at the very least one definitely
wants to hear about it. In addition, cliches such as "The grass is always greener on the other side" abound, and did not become a part of our
everyday vernacular simply because those who coined them had nothing better to do that day. Conversely, bromides of this sort originated in order to make some sort of blanket
statement about what was believed to be a specific, inherent characteristic in Man. Hence, logic would dictate that if we are still so preoccupied with illicit sex, it is