Sample Essay on:
Administrative Assistant/Hospital Administration

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper that discusses the nature of the work, work environment, educational background and credentials needed to work as an administrative assistant in the healthcare industry. Bibliography lists 2 source.

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on technology continues to grow, and this trend has meant that for many administrative assistant are facing new challenges and new responsibilities. The following examination of the role of administrative assistant specifically focuses on the assistant who works within the healthcare administration. Nature of the work: Administrative assistants are responsible for a variety of tasks. They coordinate administrative activities, such as the storage, retrieval and integration of information essentially for the proper functioning of their institution and oversee the proper dissemination of this information to both staff and clients (BoLS, 2008). They are also responsible for operating a broad assortment of office equipment, such as "fax machines, photocopiers, scanners, and videoconferencing and telephone systems" (BoLS, 2008). Administrative assistants today frequently address tasks that were previously allocated to managers and information technology professionals, such as, creating spreadsheets, composing letter, and managing databases in order to create "presentations, reports and documents" via desktop publishing programs (BoLS, 2008). Administrative assistants may also establish contracts with vendors, handle the leasing or purchase of equipment, and keep supply rooms stocked properly. They also frequently provide training for new staff and orient new hires to the organization and its culture. In brief, administrative assistant provide "high-level administrative support for an office and for top executives of an organization (BoLS, 2008). They also aid physicians and researchers with the preparation of "reports, speeches, articles and conference proceedings" (BoLS, 2008). In hospital administration, administrative assistants are expected to be familiar with "insurance rules, billing practices, and hospital or laboratory procedures" (BoLS, 2008). Work Environment: Administrative assistants working in the healthcare industry typically work in modern offices located in some form of institution, such as a hospital or a clinic. The only frequently encountered hazards to their profession are those that occur due ...

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