Sample Essay on:
Adler, Allport, And Maslow

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 3 page paper provides a brief introduction to these theorists and then presents the major concepts in each theory. The writer comments on how they are alike and different. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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of personality theory (Wilderdom, 2004). Adler began as a Freudian but broke away from that school of thought after heated discussions with Freud and other adherents to the psychoanalytic approach (Mitchell, 2009). Maslows focus was the humans need and striving for self-actualization (Mangold, 2009). Maslows approach is called the third force in psychology following the psychoanalytic and the behaviorist theories. Alfred Adler: Terms that are common today, such as inferiority complex and compensation originated with Adler and his individualistic personality theory. His individual psychology focuses on the whole person rather than on their problems. He believed that all humans are driven by a need for perfection but humans cannot do it alone. The society plays a strong role in this quest. Feeling inferior comes into play when the person is not able to accomplish as much as they want as fast as they want. Important concepts in individual psychology include: holism, seeing the person as a whole being; field theory, which is the premise that humans can only be studied by observing their movements in the social field; teleology, which is the power to will or the need and drive to move towards certain goals; the creative self which is the premise that an individual is responsible for their own personality development and for the things that happen to him, i.e., no scape-goating; life-style which has to do with the need to feel like you belong and are a significant person; and private intelligence which is the reasoning each person invents to justify their life-style (Mitchell, 2009). Considering the whole person is something that both Allport and Maslow also do. Striving towards specific goals is common among all three theorists as is the need for social interaction. Adler is sometimes called the grandfather of humanistic psychology ...

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