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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page paper discussing the nursing management for a woman with placenta abruption, including incidence, risk factors, signs and symptoms, treatment options and maternal and fetal implications for placenta abruption. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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abruption - is the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall after the 20th week of pregnancy (Gaufberg, 2008). Worldwide, it occurs in approximately one percent of pregnancies.
Depending on the degree to which the placenta has separated, its range of symptoms can span from none to fetal or maternal death. Risk Factors
Risk factors arise from several areas, including maternal age and health; characteristics of the pregnancy; external maternal trauma; and previous abruption (Gaufberg, 2008). Shen, DeFranco, Stamilio,
Chang and Muglia (2008) also report that African American women are at greater risk as well. Not only are black women more likely to develop placental abruption than either
white or Hispanic women, the rates at which placental abruption occurs in black women increased 92 percent "between 1979-1981 ... whereas the rate increased by 15% among white women over
the same period" (Shen, et al., 2008; p. 43). Aside from race or ethnicity, there are other more universal risk factors that can
affect any woman. These include: * Maternal hypertension, which is a factor in nearly half of all abruptions; * Maternal trauma, including assaults, falls and auto wrecks; * Maternal
age, particularly among those women who are under 20 or older than 35; * Maternal uterine fibroids; * Maternal smoking, alcohol use or drug abuse; * Previous abruption; * Family
history of abruption, particularly in a sister (Rasmussen and Irgens, 2009); * Some types of infections (Gaufberg, 2008). There are other matters more
directly associated with the specific pregnancy rather than maternal health. These include short umbilical cord and prolonged membrane rupture of more than 24 hours (Gaufberg, 2008). Ananth, Demissie