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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 6 page paper which examines the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, whose compassion and strong leadership made him an effective teacher and student of life’s lessons. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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6 pages (~225 words per page)
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/aftersale.htm -- properly! If ever there was a man who, instead of winning an election to Americas highest office, would
have been more likely to have been voted "man least likely to become President," it would have been Abraham Lincoln. Nevertheless, he had unwavering faith in himself and his
country, and his life continues to teach the valuable lesson that anything is possible. Born in Hardin, Kentucky on February 12, 1809 to farm couple Thomas and Nancy Hanks
Lincoln, "Abes" mother would die when he was just a child, and he would be the only one of three siblings to survive to middle age (Frost 90). His
father later remarried and moved his family to Indiana, where his son wasted little time in establishing himself as a person of compassion and fairness. When he noticed some
local children taking turtles and placing hot coals into their shells, which forced them to "come out into the world naked and defenseless," Lincoln quietly assumed the role of teacher,
instructing them to value all living things (Frost 90). He reminded them, "An ants life is to it... as sweet as ours to us" (Frost 90). Lincoln knew
he was different from his contemporaries in both physical appearance and demeanor, but that didnt stop him from actively pursuing his goals. Ironically, though Lincolns moral integrity, patience and
infinite curiosity about life would have made him an excellent teacher, he had very little education himself. Referring to himself in the first person, Lincoln remarked, "Abraham now thinks
that the aggregate of all his schooling did not amount to one year. He was never in a college or academy as a student and never inside a college