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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses the concept of value added service in relation to APNs. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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While Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs), in a variety of sub-specialty fields, bring considerable value to any clinical situation, their contributions, as a value-added component of care, are often overlooked
due to a number of issues. The following discussion focuses on how APNs improve patient quality of care in primary care delivery and how value-added factor can be measured and
evaluated using quality of care models. APNs bring value-added factors to clinical practice through the fact that their extensive background facilitates creativity and a nuanced sense of caring,
which are implemented through a "wide range of patient management strategies" (Reigel, 2005, p. 385). For example, it is particularly problematic in todays practice settings is the question of how
to handle the problems of patients who are either uninsured or underinsured. APNs frequently encounter such patients and situations in which the patients has chosen to omit one or more
prescribed medications due to the cost. While generic medications are prescribed as much as possible for these patients, the cost of even generic drugs can be beyond the means
of a low-income patients with a serious illness. For example, consider an uninsured patient with chronic lung disease and heart failure who has chosen to "forego the diuretic and angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitor (ACE-1)" medications" (387). An ANP is knowledgeable about the significance and importance of taking these medications in regards to symptom management and prevent relapse and discourages these choices,
but also acknowledges the reality of the patients financial situation by helping the patient work out a plan that does reduce the patients cost of medications, such as indicating which
medications might be taken on an every-other-day basis (Reigel, 2005). Furthermore, APNs are generally well informed about social services resources that a low-income patient may be able to utilize.