Sample Essay on:
ANA's Social Policy Statement

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 3 page book review offers an overview of the official Social Police Statement of the American Nurses Association (ANA). No additional sources cited.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

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words, this document describes the parameters of the social contrast that exists between the nursing profession and society (ANA, 2003). This text provides a fundamental understanding of what nursing is, as well as its knowledge base, that is, the scope of nursing practice, specialization as it pertains to nursing, and the nature of advanced practice nursing. It also describes the various forms of regulation that apply to nursing, specifically self-regulation, professional regulation and legal regulation. The introduction discusses the social contract that exists between nursing and society. It emphasizes the point that nursing, as with other professions, is an integral component of society that is continuing to evolve and grow to fit with the nature of societal needs. The values and assumptions of nursings "Social Contract" are also described (ANA, 2003, p. 3). Following the introduction, a comprehensive definition of nursing is offered, which describes the many characteristics that describe nursing, such as providing a caring relationship with patients that promotes healing, as well as the integrating objective data and scientific knowledge with care. This section also points out how the definition of nursing has evolved over time. The next section describes nursings knowledge base, pointing out that nursing is both a profession and a scientific discipline. This section describes how nurses partner with "individuals, families, communities and populations" in order to address a variety of issues that are vital to society (ANA, 2003, p. 7). In order to accomplish goals, nurses utilize both theoretical and evidence-based data. It is also explained that the scope of nursing practice is broad, encompassing a wide variety of settings and purposes. Specialization is briefly explained and this topic is expanded further under the subheading of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, who are characterized as having "both expanded and specialized knowledge ...

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