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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper is written as a speech given to support the US position of the need for the country to go to war with Iraq. The writer uses both logical and emotional arguments to persuade an audience that if war is needed then it is the duty and obligation of the government to undertake the war in order to create a safe and secure future.
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news circulated around the globe and there was a huge emotional response. Americans were joined by many other nations in morning the losses, the losses of mother fathers and children,
the loss of brothers and sisters, they may have been on the aeroplanes that were hijacked or in the buildings, they may have worked at the pentagon of come down
on the aeroplane ion Pennsylvania. Wherever they were, they were victims of a well orchestrated plan that had taken both time and money to prepare. This was not a spur
of the moment action, more was it an action of a splinter group, but was undertaken by an organisation who had economic power and the political backing of a state!
It was following this that the war on terrorism began. Not as a response to seek retribution, but one to seek justice and create a world where free people will
not need to live in fear of terrorism. This was a noble goal, and still remains such, and to retain integrity it would be wrong to only focus on a
single threat. In looking at these events of September 2001, I would ask you all to consider one fact. Had we known the day before that the threat exists, but
had done nothing, if we knew where the source of the threat was, who the terrorist were and what their resources were, and still did nothing how could we face
the families of those victims and explain to them that were could have stopped it, we knew of the threat but did nothing because it was not a politically popular
move. I would not like to be that individual and am and sure you would not. Furthermore, let me extend this scenario, how would you feel if you were