Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on A Marketing Concept: Employment and Human Resource Development in Poland
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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 9 page paper provides an overview of a marketing concept relative to HR development in Poland. The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PAED) is an organization designed to address the employment and human resource needs of a constantly changing Poland. The call for improvements in employment and human resources development and the increasing focus on the internal workforce are elements that have been a part of recent efforts to improve Poland’s economy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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call for improvements in employment and human resources development and the increasing focus on the internal workforce are elements that have been a part of recent efforts to improve Polands
economy. In fact, the government has moved into a position of go-between between the labor force and employers, in efforts to increase the job occupancy rate and reduce the
influence of outside business operations. Further, the government has called for interventions, including employment subsidies, training funding, and active labor market measures (employment promotion services) have all been a
part of the focus on necessary change. The development of employment promotion services, including the introduction of Individual Action Plans, has become a central part of the active efforts
in programming sponsored by the Polish government to improve employment and human resource functioning. From a managerial perspective, it is beneficial to consider the nature of these types
of programs, the efforts being made to improve employment and human resource development and the progression of marketing concepts based on the promotion of these active efforts. The development
of a marketing concept should be based on an assessment of existing programming and a view of the long-term gains that can be made from implementing active programming for employment
and human resource development. Background In the late 1990s, the Polish economy and employment statistics declined significantly, and the outcome was a call for greater focus on governmental
measures to improve the focus on internal human resource development. By September of 2001, Poland had achieved a 56.6% employment rate, determining significant problems for the labor market and
in the development of support for industry. The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PAED), recognizing the necessity for efforts to improve employment and support industry,