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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper provides an overview of a set of nursing concepts and then creates a concept diagram, which is then used to create three hypotheses. No sources cited.
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home care services (Inouye, Bogardus, Baker, Leo-Summers & Coone, 2000). Nurses are responsible for facilitating patients recovery in less time for an increasingly older population at greater risk for
functional decline. Research has demonstrated that pain, depression and fatigue occur in relation to the functional status of older adults. Patients may limit activities because of pain and
fatigue, which then interferes with their return to their previous functional status. Depression may make the resumption of activities difficult after an acute hospitalization, especially surgical interventions, contributing to
poorer outcomes. Recovery is defined as improvement in functional status and the perception that one is recovering. Recovery is a return to wholeness that occurs
by conservation of energy and restoration of integrity. Four conservation principles guide nursing practice: energy, structural integrity, personal integrity and social integrity (Levine Conservation Model, 1991). When
pain and depressive symptoms are decreased, energy is conserved. When fatigue is decreased more energy is available to the individual. Acute pain depletes energy and generally indicates impaired
structural integrity after surgery. Depression depletes the conservation of personal integrity. Fatigue is a manifestation of limited energy resources. It is not known to what extent postoperative
fatigue is related to functional state. Older patients are more likely to have persistent pain, to experience less relief from analgesics and to use fewer analgesics. Older patients
are more likely to have unrelieved or persistent pain after surgery and are at a greater risk for its interference with function, delaying recovery. Older adults may be more
vulnerable to the effects of postoperative fatigue on functional status. The Concept Diagram