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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
10 pages. With the number of companies both large and small that are undergoing mergers it is easy to know that some of these mergers will be major success stories and some will not. This paper deals with both successful and unsuccessful mergers as well as some of the reasoning behind what should be considered before undertaking a merger. The banking industry is one industry that sees mergers taking place frequently. This paper includes financial information and trend analysis in examining a merger. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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success stories and some will not. This paper deals with both successful and unsuccessful mergers as well as some of the reasoning behind what should be considered before undertaking
a merger. The banking industry is one industry that sees mergers taking place frequently. BANK MERGER The motivation behind a bank merger or any merger for that matter
is, of course, to create one company that is a stronger competitor when joined with another. However, in the case of a Canadian Bank merger, this was not a
popular action and the results were not quite as dramatic as were hoped. This larger merger actually consisted of five banks merging to create one megabank. In an age
when bigger does not always equate to better, Canadians are worried that such unification will be a terribly costly mistake. As long as the proposed bank mergers have been expected
to take place, opponents from all walks of life have urged such unification not to transpire. As such, the Canadian government has been victim to a barrage of pressure
from both its public and private constituency encouraging the disapproval of such an undertaking. The primary argument with regard to the opposition of the bank mergers is that it
would leave seventy percent of the countrys banking industry in the hands of just two megabanks. When such a monopoly is created, that often means cuts in employment, increases
in transaction fees and the removal of competition. January 1998 was the month when the Royal Bank and the Bank of Montreal announced that their respective institutions would seek
to integrate their operations; just a few months later, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and the Toronto Dominion Bank declared their decision to follow suit. As soon as