Sample Essay on:
A Classical Greek Opinion of Imperialist Rome

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This 5 page report discusses what a person from ancient, classical Greece would have thought of the society and thinking of Imperialist Rome and the Romans. It is likely that the classical Greek would most likely think was that Rome was something of a pale imitation of what had been the classical society and erudition of Athens. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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that differences between cultures and mindsets were as valid millenniums ago as they are today. Certainly, nobody would be willing to assume that American, Chinese, and Palestinian philosophies were similar because they all existed in the 21st century. To assume that the classical Greek thinking would have been applicable in ancient imperial Rome is equally absurd. This is not to suggest that a person from "classical" Athens would be repelled or horrified by what he saw taking place in Rome, only that he would be bewildered. The Greek would see a number of situations and circumstances that would remind him of his homeland but they would all be different in ways that he could not help but notice. What that classical Greek would most likely think was that Rome was something of a pale imitation of what had been the classical society and erudition of Athens. In fact, he might even be amused by the Romans fascination with and focus on what it assumed to be a Golden Age that could once again be attained and yet improved upon by the wisdom and power of the Romans. If the Greek model of a meaningful life and the proper construction of society was one that was organic and holistic in which philosophy, politics, and literature were considered . . . Imperial Rome would prove that it could have the same focus. That same Greek could not help but be impressed by the political and military structure of Rome since it had allowed for Rome to take over the Mediterranean land and establish a world empire. But he would no doubt (and probably secretly) think that Greek culture was ultimately superior in that it placed greater attention on the true meaning of life and understanding rather than conquest. The Greek would have ...

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