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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page reaction paper that summarizes and analyzes an essay by an 11-year-old pediatric patient who has undergone numerous surgeries. The writer discusses the implications of the child’s perspective for holistic nursing. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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she received. In so doing, Gertrude relates details that show the various ways in which she received holistic care, that is, care that considered her psychological and emotional needs, as
well as her physical requirements. However, Gertrudes account also indicates ways in which holistic care can be improved. Throughout her essay, Gertrude introduces the people who have played a
significant role in her struggle towards health, her family, her friends, and the doctors and nurses whom she remembers and counts among her "friends." She remembers Dr. Coldt fondly because
he would make jokes and Gertrude thinks "doctors should make jokes because it makes you feel a little more secure around your doctor" (Simpson 35). In other words, Gertrude
found humor to be a valued factor in her relationship with caregivers. Also she attributes her access to the playroom in the hospital and the hours she spent playing video
games as therapeutic because this past time helped her to forget her pain (Simpson 37). Holistic nursing literature identifies laughter, humor and play as elements beneficial to establishing health and
wellbeing. Wooten (2005) summarizes the interconnectedness of these factors, writing that the mind, first of all, comprehends the humor, "Aha! I get the joke," the body says, "Ha ha," (laughter),
and the spirit says, "Ahhh, everything feels much better now" (Wooten, 2005, p. 510). Another factor in her relationships with caregivers that had a profound effect on Gertrudes experiences
was the close personal and trust nursing relationship that several nurses were able to establish with this pediatric patient. She mentions how a nurses presence in the operating room calmed
her when she was quite small and facing her first surgery. Also, she fondly remembers Karen, her primary nurse, who would place ice cream in a sunny window so it