Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on A COMPARISON BETWEEN STORE BRANDS AND NATIONAL BRANDS AMONG CONSUMERS. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 10-page paper discusses results of a survey about consumer choice between national brands and private label brands. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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a variety of choices. In addition to the national brands that are advertised (sometimes ceaselessly) on television, radio and in publications, the consumer is confronted by the store brand, also
known as the "private-label" brand. These store brands are typically sold under a brand name that may be affiliated with the particular grocery store (such as Krogers FMV or Banner
Brands). These private label brands are made with the same ingredients as their more expensive, nationally branded counterparts. And, for the most part, theyre packaged as colorfully as their more
nationally recognized competition. The main difference, however, is price. One would assume that, given the lower price on the national brands, that consumers
would flock to the shelves and strip them bare of the products. The opposite, however, seems to be true. Though there is a price differential, anecdotal and specific research evidence
demonstrates that the store brands tend to be less popular than the national brands. Whats interesting in this scenario is why consumers
believe that the national brands are better than the store brands. For the most part, if one does a label comparison, one seeks the ingredients arent all that different from
one another. Yet for some reason, the consumer will gravitate more toward the national brand than the store brand - unless the price differential is enough to entice the consumer
to switch brands. In this study, we decided to test this particular hypothesis, that the national brands are preferred to store brands.
Over a period of several weeks, we approached people both online and in person and collected research to determine if this hypothesis is, indeed, correct. LITERATURE REVIEW