Sample Essay on:
3 Critiques of “Young Goodman Brown” by Hawthorne

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A 4 page paper which examines 3 literary critiques of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “Young Goodman Brown.” Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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ago. It is a story that clearly speaks of the Puritan thought which Hawthornes works often examined. It is also a story of the fragile nature of man when faced with powerful truths. In essence, there are many things one can say about this story, and many themes which one can analyze with the classic tale. With that in mind the following paper examines 3 separate critiques on Hawthornes tale "Young Goodman Brown." Critique 1 The first critique is titled "The Consequences of Puritan Depravity and Distrust as Historical Context for Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown" and it is written by Michael E. McCabe. In this analysis of Hawthornes story McCabe states that "Puritan doctrine taught that all men are totally depraved and require constant self-examination to see that they are sinners and unworthy of Gods Grace...In the Puritan religion, believers dutifully recognized the negative aspects of their humanity rather than the gifts they possessed." These were issues that greatly affected the work of Hawthorne and McCabe illustrates how Hawthornes environment as a child influenced him in these regards: "Growing up Hawthorne could not escape the influence of Puritan society, not only from residing with his fathers devout Puritan family as a child but also due to Hawthornes study of his own family history." At this point the critic moves into examining the history of Hawthornes ancestors and the development of the Puritan way of thought. He states that, "While changes to the Catechism would have occurred from the 17th to Hawthornes own 19th century, the idea that his fathers family had wished a proper Puritan education for Hawthorne is an important issue. To accept as a child that you have in no way sinned but are completely sinful by nature is but one way in which Young ...

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